Sunday 13 April 2014

Mindfulness meditation

Your world is so busy that you have to multitask in almost everything you undertake. You plan your schedule while watching the television while at the same time completing your assignment, and then planning your gym program. But, in the rush of completing all this task, there is always a chance of losing your concentration and focus on the most immediate things of necessity. In most cases, you will miss the opportunity to realize how you are feeling and how you are fairing on. In this case all you need is to cultivate mindfulness in order to recognize our own and others wisdom. You will never miss recognizing what is already true moment by moment. Meaning you will always be present with whatever is happening, no matter what it is.
You may wonder how beneficial that is. But, let us face it first. It is true that no one will want to suffer. Aren’t you interested in harvesting this natural wisdom? So that you can focus on your thoughts and actions in the present without fearing of what the future has to offer. Aren’t you interested in finding the ideal solutions from your present situation? Well, mindfulness meditation is the vehicle to becoming mindful. It is beneficial to you in the essence that it aids in increasing your capacity to mindfulness, which will eventually lead to a satisfied life. Think it this way; you are in a position to relish the pleasures in life as they take place. Meaning it simply enhances your capacity to deal with adverse events. Therefore, you are less likely to be bogged down on fears regarding the future or regrets over what happened before. This way you will realize that you are less worried with issues such as success not to mention self-esteem. So you must be wondering how do you go about mindfulness meditation.
In an effort of achieving a mind that is stable and calm, you must meet some certain settings that are supportive of the practice of mindfulness. Primarily, ensure that the place where you mediate has a feeling of upliftedness as well as inviolability. It is advisable to practice mindfulness meditation for shorter periods, for instance, ten, fifteen, or twenty minutes. Ensure that your posture will enable you to have the mind and body connected. The posture should give you a better flow of energy. An erect body will always facilitate a better flow of energy than a bent one.
The gaze should be that of strict mindfulness practice, meaning open eyes, but no starring which is also known as a soft gaze. Have a feel of your breathing since it connects you with your body and your surroundings. For that reason, you become relaxed in consequence minimizing chances of you getting lost in thought. Just try to be true to yourself and unbiased. You will be able to go through the journey of discovery that will enable you to realize the fundamental truth of who you are. Mindfulness meditation is undemanding and entirely feasible. Now you know begin the practice and live like never before.

Thursday 10 April 2014

Social Skills Training

Do you have problems getting along with others? You are an adult man and you cannot get along with your wife if you are married, kids, colleagues, friends and strangers as well. Ok, now you are telling yourself that the people surrounding you are the ones who are making it difficult for you to relate with them. Then this perspective can bring the point home. How many times do you greet your friends, or your children at home? Do you listen to new ideas? Then, if you find yourself not doing these basic social skills as often as you should, it is time to realize that you have a deficit in social skills. Oh, yes a deficit of social skills. Do you know how to get some social skills training?
First, know what causes you problem
Then you might be wondering what is the reason behind social skill incompetence among adult men? Let us face it, for you to handle the problems that you are facing, it is important for you to know the cause. Most men suffer from schizophrenia and social phobia or social anxiety without knowing it. This means that they will lack cognitive functions which makes this adult men find it hard to act socially.
Appreciate the basic skills of interacting
Do not take their social competency or skills for granted as some individuals tend to do. You need to appreciate the basic skills that you use to interact on a daily basis. For instance, never ignore, the power of basic social skills such as saying hello, smiling, making eye contact and other complex skills such as negotiation and conflict resolution among others. In this case, all you need to know is how to have basic training in social skills.
Next, make sure you have the necessary materials to carry out key social behaviors that are essential in achieving success in social situations. You need these materials because Social skills training is a type of psychotherapy that aims at improving your social skills so that you can become socially competent. In other words, it means that social training skills instills social competency, which impact on all areas of life. Despite SST being a behavioral therapy, cognitive therapy can also be used in some situations to maximize the success of social skill training in adult men.
How to benefit from Social Skills Training?
Assuming that you have realized that you have difficulties relating to other people, that’s if you have been bold enough to accept it. Always take advantage of social skills training in solving some of your problems not only in your emotional problems with reference to the verbal aspect of it, but also in nonverbal behaviors involved in social interactions.

It is worth mentioning that some adult learn such social skills early and easily, but to others it takes time for them to gain competency in social skills.
Learn interpersonal skills such as making "small talk" in social settings since it will improve your socializing with the people around them. However, this is not to say that social skills training are not necessary. As an adult, learn to interpret social signals so that you can know when and how to proceed suitably in the company of other individuals in a variety of different circumstances.
How to get equipped with skills that will change your social behavior patterns
Finally, you need to be able to raise your self-esteem as well as increase the possibility that others will respond positively to you. Of course, who doesn’t want a positive response from his peers or his family. I guess no one. As a trainee in social skills, you must get equipped with skills that will change your social behavior patterns through practicing some selected behaviors to your advantage. These therapy sessions will enhance you as an individual with the ability to function in daily social situations just as mentioned before.
Manage your social difficulty
Do not let your social difficulty eat into your comfort and personal relationship with your peers. If your social skills deficit is well managed through social skills training, you will be able to utilize behavioral techniques and have some civility when it comes to interacting with others in your environment.
If you were not aware then you are. Research has proven that adult men with a deficit in social skills have higher divorce rates, poor employment rates, they drink a lot you name it. Since ignorance is no defense, be bold enough and let social skills training do the magic with your ability to function in daily social situations.